Karen Brodkin

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Karen Brodkin

Professor Emerita

Email: kbrodkin@anthro.ucla.edu

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Research Interests:

Social movements, gender, work and kinship, political economy, theory, migration, race and contemporary North American cultures.


Sociocultural Anthropology


2009: Power Politics: Environmentalism in South Los Angeles. Rutgers University Press

2007: Making Democracy Matter: Identity and Activism in Los Angeles. Rutgers University Press.

1998: How Jews Became White Folks And What That Says About Race In America. Rutgers University Press. (Honorable Mention, 1999 Gustavus Myers Outstanding Book Award).

1988 Caring By The Hour: Women, Work And Organizing At Duke MedicalCenter. University of Illinois Press(Conrad Arensberg Award, Society for the Anthropology of Work and Honorable Mention Staley Prize in Anthropology)

1984 My Troubles Are Going To Have Trouble With Me. co edited with D. Remy.New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.

1979 Sisters And Wives: The Past And Future Of Sexual Equality. Westport: Greenwood

Selected recent articles:

2005: A Better World Is Possible? Anthropology and Social Movements Identities 12, 2
2004 (with Cynthia Strathmann) The Struggle for Hearts and Minds: Organization, Ideology and Emotion. Labor Studies 29,3: 1-25.
2003: On the Politics of Being Jewish in a Multiracial State Anthropologica 45, 1: 59- 68.
2000: Global Capitalism: What’s Race Got to Do with It? American Ethnologist 27, 2: 237-56.


1998 Let’s Own It! The Struggle of the Lincoln Place Tenants Association. 30 minute documentary video

Fishing in the City. 30 minute documentary video

Awards & Grants

2006 Prize for Distinguished Achievement in the Critical Study of North America Society for the Anthropology of North America

2001 Excellence in Teaching Award, Women’s Studies Program, UCLA


Ph.D., University of Michigan (1971)