Dr. Martin Surbeck, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Human Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University
This talk will be presented via Zoom.
Aspects of competition and cooperation in the genus Pan.
Abstract: I will talk about aspects of competition and cooperation in our closest living relatives, bonobos and chimpanzees. Firstly, I will explore how differences in female sexuality and male mate competition potentially contribute to observed species differences. There will be a specific focus on the role of mothers during mate competition in male philopatric species and I will speculate about potential implications for life histories. Secondly, I will explore aspects of between group competition in bonobos and discuss the implications of the new findings for the emergence of cooperative relationships between groups.
Zoom: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/92826436236?pwd=SytQNTNPSWdwaDNlTm05d2srdXNHUT09
Meeting ID: 928 2643 6236
Passcode: BEC