MMAC will not meet on 15 February in observance of Presidents’ Day.
**(Please follow link to RSVP:**
***If you are already on the permanent Zoom RSVP list please do not RSVP again.
Dear All,
Mind, Medicine, and Culture (MMAC) is pleased to be hosting Robert Lemelson. His presentation is entitled: “Person-Centered Interviewing and Visual Psychological Anthropology: Complexities and Challenges” (abstract is on the attached/embedded flyer). The chapter we will be reading and discussing is from a soon-to-be published book by Robert Lemelson and Annie Tucker, Widening the Frame: Visual Psychological Anthropology on Trauma, Gender-Based Violence, and Stigma (Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming 2021).
While a reading of the chapter “Visual Anthropology in the Field” will be enhanced by watching one, two or all three of the films discussed, the films are optional as the conversation at MMAC will revolve around the chapter and the presentation. For those who wish to view the films, they are available on youtube:
Standing on the Edge of a Thorn:
Bitter Honey:
40 Years of Silence:
Bitter Honey:
40 Years of Silence:
Please note that the third film has been edited to conform with youtube policies. Some images of violence have been removed from the original.
Access to the reading will be provided for those who have RSVPed.