High Stakes: Florida Seminole Gaming and Sovereignty

High Stakes: Florida Seminole Gaming and Sovereignty

  In 1979, Florida Seminoles opened the first tribally…
Manipulative Monkeys: The Capuchins of Lomas Barbudal

Manipulative Monkeys: The Capuchins of Lomas Barbudal

With their tonsured heads, white faces, and striking cowls, the…
Higher Ground: New Hope for the Working Poor and Their Children

Higher Ground: New Hope for the Working Poor and Their Children

During the 1990s, growing demands to end chronic welfare dependency…
Understanding Trauma: Integrating Biological, Clinical, and Cultural Perspetives

Understanding Trauma: Integrating Biological, Clinical, and Cultural Perspectives

This book analyzes the individual and collective experience of…
The Hidden Life of Girls: Games of Stance, Status, and Exclusion

The Hidden Life of Girls: Games of Stance, Status, and Exclusion

On countless playgrounds each day girls are at work crafting…
Anthropology and Social Theory: Culture, Power, and the Acting Subject

Anthropology and Social Theory: Culture, Power, and the Acting Subject

In Anthropology and Social Theory the award-winning anthropologist…
Onward and Upward! Papers in Honor of Clement W. Meighan

Onward and Upward! Papers in Honor of Clement W. Meighan

An exceptional collection of 18 original papers written by the…
The Performance of Human Rights in Morocco

The Performance of Human Rights in Morocco

Since independence in 1956, large numbers of Moroccans have been…
Ancient Titicaca: The Evolution of Complex Society in Southern Peru and Northern Bolivia

Ancient Titicaca: The Evolution of Complex Society in Southern Peru and Northern Bolivia

One of the richest and most complex civilizations in ancient…
The Korean American Dream: Immigrants and Small Business in New York City

The Korean American Dream: Immigrants and Small Business in New York City

Korean immigrants to the United States establish their own small…