Jessica Cattelino


Jessica Cattelino


Office: 397 Haines Hall

Curriculum Vitae


Jessica Cattelino studies everyday political and material processes in the United States. She is the author of High Stakes: Florida Seminole Gaming and Sovereignty. Cattelino’s book-in-progress examines how people are tied to one another through water in the Florida Everglades. She conducts research about gender and everyday household water use in Los Angeles and about the Indigenous waters of Los Angeles. She is a UCLA professor of Anthropology and American Indian Studies, with a courtesy faculty appointment in Gender Studies.

Research Interests

The contemporary United States. Water and environment. Indigeneity and settler colonialism. The anthropology of citizenship, sovereignty, and nation. Feminist anthropology. The Florida Everglades. Money and value. Gender and family.


Sociocultural Anthropology


n.d. Water Ties: An Everglades Ethnography. Reviewed and in final revisions for the Lewis Henry Morgan Lecture Series, Duke University Press.

2008 High Stakes: Florida Seminole Gaming and Sovereignty.  Duke University Press.
Awarded the Delmos Jones and Jagna Sharff Memorial Book Prize from the Society for the Anthropology of North America; Honorable Mention for the Gregory Bateson Book Prize, Society for Cultural Anthropology

Articles and Chapters
n.d. Cattelino, Jessica R., Kelsey Kim, Courtney Cecale, Megan Baker, PwintPhyu Nandar, Dalila Ozier, Virdiana Velez, Michael Kim. “Gender and Residential Water Use in Los Angeles.” In preparation.
n.d. Cattelino, Jessica R. “Sovereign-ties in the Florida Everglades.” Under review in Carroll, Clint and Hunt, Sarah, eds. Indigenous Political Ecology. Under review at the University of Minnesota Press.
n.d. Cattelino, Jessica R. “Beyond Which Human?” In preparation.
2023 Cattelino, Jessica R. “Sovereign Interdependencies.” In Deborah A. Thomas and Joseph Masco, eds., Sovereignty Unhinged: An Illustrated Primer for the Study of Present Intensities, Disavowals, and Temporal Derangements. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, pp. 139-161.
2023 Cattelino, Jessica R. Comment on “What Tradition Affords: Articulations of Indigeneity in Contemporary Bushfire Management” by Timothy Neale. Current Anthropology 64(1):84-85.
2022 Cattelino, Jessica R. and Audra Simpson. 2022. “Rethinking Indigeneity:  Scholarship at the Intersection of Native American Studies and Anthropology.” Annual Review of Anthropology 51:365-381.
2020 Cattelino, Jessica R. 2020. “Place at a Distance.” In “Flash Ethnography,” Carole McGranahan and Nomi Stone, editors, American Ethnologist website, 26 October,
2019 Cattelino, Jessica, Georgina Drew, and Ruth Morgan. “Water Flourishing in the Anthropocene.” Cultural Studies Review 25(2):135-152.
2019 Of Climate and Chilling Effects. Public Culture 31(2):215-234.
2019 “From Green to Green: The Environmentalization of Agriculture.” Journal for the Anthropology of North America 22 (2): 135–38.
2019 Rivera-Monroy, Victor H., Jessica Cattelino, Jeffrey R. Wozniak, Katrina Schwartz, Gregory B. Noe, Edward Castaneda-Moya, and Gregory R. Koch. 2019. The Life of P: A Biogeochemical and Sociopolitical Challenge in the Everglades. In The Coastal Everglades: The Dynamics of Social-Ecological Transformation in the South Florida Landscape, edited by Daniel L Childers, Evelyn Gaiser, and Laura Ogden. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 99–128.
2019 Stakeholders, Gender, and the Politics of Water. American Anthropologist (editor reviewed), January 22.
2018 From Locke to Slots: Money and the Politics of Indigeneity. Comparative Studies in Society and History 60(2):274-307.
2018 Indian Gaming, Renewed Self-Governance, and Economic Strength. An interview by J. Kēhaulani Kauanui in Speaking of Indigenous Politics: Conversations with Activists, Scholars, and Tribal Leaders. J. Kēhaulani Kauanui, ed. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Pp. 65-77.
2017 Loving the Native: Invasive Species and the Cultural Politics of Flourishing. In Ursula Heise, Jon Christensen, and Michelle Niemann, eds. The Routledge Companion to the Environmental Humanities. London: Routledge, pp. 129-137.
2015 North America: Sociocultural Aspects. In: James D. Wright (editor-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 17. Oxford: Elsevier. pp. 22–26.
2011 “One Hamburger at a Time”: Revisiting the State-Society Divide with the Seminole Tribe of Florida and Hard Rock international: with CA comments by Thabo Mokgatlha and Kgosi Leruo Molotlegi. Current Anthropology 52(S3): S138-149. Supplementary issue: Corporate Lives: New Perspectives on the Social Life of the Corporate Form.  D.J. Partridge, M. Welker, and R. Hardin, eds.
2011 Thoughts on the U.S. as a Settler Society (Plenary Remarks, 2010 SANA Conference).  North American Dialogue: Newsletter of the Society for the Anthropology of North America 14(1):1-6.
2010 Anthropologies of the United States.  Annual Review of Anthropology 39:275-292.
2010 The Double Bind of American Indian Need-Based Sovereignty.  Cultural Anthropology 25(2):235-62.
Awarded the Cultural Horizons Prize by the Society for Cultural Anthropology
2010 Termination Redux?  Seminole Citizenship and Economy from Truman to Gaming.  In B. Hosmer, ed. Native Americans and the Legacy of Harry Truman.  Pp. 122-135. Kirksville, MO: Truman State University Press.
2009 Fungibility: Florida Seminole Casino Dividends and the Fiscal Politics of Indigeneity.  American Anthropologist 111(2):190-200.
2009 Florida Seminoles and the Cultural Politics of the Everglades.  Occasional Paper from the School of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study.  May, Paper Number 36.  Available at
2008 Gaming.  In Handbook of North American Indians, vol. 2, Indians in Contemporary Society, Garrick A. Bailey, vol. ed., William C. Sturtevant, general editor. Pp. 148-156.  Washington: Smithsonian Institution.
2007 Florida Seminole Gaming and Local Sovereign Interdependency.  In D. Cobb and L. Fowler, eds. Beyond Red Power: Rethinking Twentieth-Century American Indian Politics.  Pp. 262-79.  Santa Fe, NM: SAR Press.
2006 Florida Seminole Housing and the Social Meanings of Sovereignty.  Comparative Studies in Society and History 48(3):699-726.
2005 Tribal Gaming and Indigenous Sovereignty, with Notes from Seminole Country.  American Studies (Special issue on Indigenous People of the United States) 46:(3/4): 187-204; co-published in Indigenous Studies Today 1 (Fall 2005/Spring 2006).
2004 Casino Roots: The Cultural Production of Twentieth-Century Seminole Economic Development. In Hosmer, B. and O’Neill, C., eds. Native Pathways: Economic Development and American Indian Culture in the Twentieth Century.  Pp. 66-90. Boulder: University of Colorado Press.
Winner of the Western History Association Arrell M. Gibson Award and reviewed in the Journal of American Ethnic History 25(1), 2005.
2004 (with William Sturtevant) Florida Seminole and Miccosukee.  In Handbook of North American Indians, vol. 14, Southeast, Raymond D. Fogelson, vol. ed., William C. Sturtevant, general editor. Pp. 429-449.  Washington: Smithsonian Institution.
2004 The Difference that Citizenship Makes: Civilian Crime Prevention on the Lower East Side. PoLAR (Political and Legal Anthropology Review) 27(1):114-137.


Awards & Grants

Barbra Streisand Fellowship on Truth in the Public Sphere, Barbra Streisand Center at the UCLA Center for the Study of Women for “The Truth About LA’s Indigenous Waters” (2022), with co-PI Ananda Marin.
UCLA Grand Challenge on Sustainable Los Angeles seed grant for “LA’s Indigenous Waters” (2021), with co-PIs Aradhna Tripati and Nicholas Shapiro.
National Science Foundation RAISE grant for “Bringing Together Diverse Perspectives on Water” (2019), co-PI with Aradhna Tripati (PI) and Shannon Speed (co-PI)
Institute for American Cultures, UCLA, grant for “Seminole Water and Everglades Restoration” (2019)
Committee on Instructional Improvement Programs, UCLA, major grant for “Meeting Dual GE and Major Goals: Revamping a Lower Division Course, in Community” (2019-20)
National Science Foundation Funded Senior Personnel on Florida Coastal Everglades Long-Term Ecological Research program grant (2019, PI for $25,000 subaward)
Dean’s Fund for Teaching Related to the 2016 Presidential Election, UCLA (2017)
Dean’s Faculty Opportunity Fund award for collaborative exhibition, UCLA (2016)
Wenner-Gren Foundation Innovations in Public Awareness of Anthropology Grant (2016)
UCLA Sustainable LA Grand Challenge Research Grant for “Gender and Everyday Water Use in Los Angeles Households” – PI for grant run through the Center for the Study of Women (2016-18)
Florida Humanities Council Major Grant for “Getting the Water Right,” a photographic and ethnographic exhibition. Florida-based grant-receiving organization was Artist in Residence in Everglades (AIRIE), and I was the scholar on the grant, with PI Adam Nadel, the photographer (2016-17)
UCLA Laboratory for Environmental Narrative Strategies (LENS) grant (2016-17)
Faculty Research Grant, UCLA (2016-17)
Institute for American Cultures Grant, UCLA (2016-17)
Howard Foundation Fellowship (2015)
National Science Foundation research grant (#1122727, funded by the program in Law and Social Sciences, 2011-13) “Individual and Community Responses to Environmental Regulation”
Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Post-Ph.D. Research Grant (#8293, 2011-12)
Faculty Research Grant, UCLA, for research on citizenship and territoriality in the Florida Everglades (2009-10)
Institute for Advanced Study Membership, Princeton, NJ (2008-09) for a project on “Citizenship and Territorialization in the Florida Everglades”
Franke Institute for the Humanities Residential Faculty Fellowship, University of Chicago (2008-09, declined)
Center for Gaming Research Residency Fellowship, University of Nevada, Las Vegas (2007)
Center for Gender Studies grant for junior faculty course development, University of Chicago (2007)
Social Sciences Divisional Research Grant, University of Chicago (2007)
American Academy of Arts and Sciences Visiting Scholar Fellowship (2004, declined)
School of American Research (SAR) Weatherhead Fellowship (2003)
AAUW (American Association of University Women) American Dissertation Fellowship (2002)
Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Grant in Women’s Studies (2001)
Smithsonian Institution Predoctoral Fellowship (2001)
American Philosophical Society Phillips Fund Grant for Native American Research (2001)
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (1996-2000)
Kriser Fellowship in Urban Anthropology, New York University (2000)
Annette B. Weiner Graduate Fellowship in Cultural Anthropology, New York University (1999)
Summer Predoctoral Fellowship, Graduate School of Arts and Science, New York University (1999)

Presidential Service Award, Graduate Student Association, UCLA (2022)
Research Excellence Award for Associate Professors, UCLA Institute of American Cultures and Center for the Study of Women (2017)
Annette Kolodny Environmental Studies Prize, American Studies Association (awarded by the Environment and Culture Caucus to the best environmentally themed paper presented at the ASA annual meeting, for “Invasive Species and Flourishing in the Florida Everglades”) (2015)
Cultural Horizons Prize (best article in Cultural Anthropology during 2010, for “The Double Bind of American Indian Need-Based Sovereignty”), Society for Cultural Anthropology (2011)
Delmos Jones and Jagna Sharff Memorial Book Prize (best book published in previous two years), Society for the Anthropology of North America (2010)
Honorable Mention, Gregory Bateson Book Prize, Society for Cultural Anthropology (2009)
Llewellyn John and Harriet Manchester Quantrell Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, University of Chicago (2008)
Western History Assn. Arrell M. Gibson Award for year’s best essay on Native American history (2005)
Banner Bearer/School Representative (outstanding graduating Ph.D. student), NYU Commencement (2004)
Carrie Hunter Tate Award, National Association of Student Anthropologists (2003)
Outstanding Anthropology Graduate Student Award, Dept. of Anthropology, New York University (2000)
Phi Beta Kappa, Cornell University (1996)
Cornell Tradition Fellow (for academic and public service excellence), Cornell University (1994-96)
Telluride Scholar, Telluride House at Cornell University (1992-94)

University of California Women’s Initiative (2021)
Faculty Leadership Academy, UCLA (2019-20)


Ph.D., New York University (2004)